Employ Humanity Professional Membership
Only $399
Why become an individual member?
With more than 340,000 engaged followers on LinkedIn, Employ Humanity is certainly a respected community of inspirational leaders across the globe. All new memberships will be announced and celebrated to Employ Humanity’s 340,000+ followers with your name, company, job title, leadership style and professional headshot (provided by applicant within online form). Don't miss out on this incredibly affordable, simple professional branding opportunity to hundreds of thousands of movers and shakers in the Employ Humanity community! This is incredible visibility for YOU and your organization!
One-time activation membership only $399 (absolutely no reoccurring charges)
Membership Criteria:
The purpose is to introduce and celebrate inspirational people leaders on Employ Humanity’s incredibly large, like-minded social media network to showcase their passion for leadership, culture and community impact.
Benefits of membership:
Announcement of your membership on Employ Humanity’s influential LinkedIn page featuring your name (tag/mention to your LinkedIn profile), company, job title, leadership style and professional photo.
Announcement of your membership in the News section at employhumanity.com
First to receive event updates and news from Employ Humanity
Receive special discounts and content
Enhanced leadership/employer branding for you and your organization
Support Employ Humanity's global mission of developing and celebrating exceptional leaders and workplaces
One-time activation fee with no reoccurring charges or hidden fees. One payment of $399 activates your lifetime membership!
As a professional membership, most employers will pay 100% of your membership. Membership will be announced on social media within 2 weeks from submitting online membership form. Welcome!